Now in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada – and it has been pouring with rain since 10pm last night with temperatures in the 40s (F). So I am catching up on the lost time for two parts of the trip, the Badlands, in this post and Ellmsworth Air Force Base Museum and Deadwood in the next.

The Badlands just pop up out of what otherwise is a flat grassland area that covers the Dakotas. It’s not till you see this part of the country you come to realize the vastness and flatness of the breadbasket states. It just goes on and on into Montana and Canada till you hit the Rockies. The Badlands are miles from anywhere, it’s where cowboys on the run used to hide, and it’s where I locked the Jeep keys in the car at an overlook. Trouble is phones were also inside, but I did have my TripleA card and using a strangers phone got help within 30 minutes – accolades to TripleA. Anyway enjoy the pictures!